rem tukik bahasa Inggris
- Once the nose was above the horizon, dive brakes were retracted, the throttle was opened, and the propeller was set to climb.
Begitu hidung berada di atas cakrawala, rem tukik ditarik kembali, throttle dibuka, dan baling-baling dipasang untuk mendaki. - The Stuka's design included several innovations, including automatic pull-up dive brakes under both wings to ensure that the aircraft recovered from its attack dive even if the pilot blacked out from the high g-forces.
Desain Stuka mencakup beberapa fitur inovatif, termasuk rem tukik tarik otomatis di bawah kedua sayap untuk memastikan bahwa pesawat pulih dari serangan tukik bahkan jika pilot pingsan dari tinggi g-forces.